02 May 2011

Read Any Good Blogs Lately?

It's 'Reading Monday', so this post is supposed to be all about what I've been reading recently, and what I would recommend. The problem is, I haven't actually been reading any books lately. I haven't read anything other than blogs for the last month, in fact.

When I took part in this year's April A-Z Challenge, I never dreamed it would eat up so much time. The writing of the posts themselves was nothing compared to the vast amount of blogs that all the challengers were honour-bound to read. Not that I'm complaining, because I have discovered so many new brilliant people in Blogland that my Blogroll is threatening to take over my blog page. My readership doubled during the month, and I have met more than a few people who I hope to continue interacting with for as long as I inhabit Blogland.

The lovely thing with blogs is that you really get a sense of the personality of the person who is blogging. No-one can blog regularly without their personality sneaking their way into the posts. Having met a few of my fellow Burrowers in real life, I can honestly say that their blogs reflect them perfectly, so I have proof of this. *nods firmly*

So my recommendation this week is to spend a few minutes when you can spare them, and read some blogs that you have never visited before. I'm not saying you will enjoy all of them - there were some that I found myself that I knew would not be my cup of tea - but I guarantee that you will be entertained, and I bet that there will be a few more blogs added to your regular reading list too.

Sometimes reading is not only about the story, but about what you will discover. Or who you will discover.


ViolaNut said...

*sigh* I simply don't have the stamina to keep up with lots of blogs. I read you guys, Cake Wrecks, and Hyperbole and a Half, and that's about all I can handle. Kudos for completing the challenge!

Natasha said...

I have to agree with Leanne. I don't have the stamina for keeping up with blogs any more. I am going to make a list of blogs I want to visit and stick to only those in future.