Durwen: Mum's pre
A student: She's really strange for a grown-up - I mean, she acts kinda like a kid still and gets all excited about the weirdest things, like new books and symphony concerts. Definitely not boring, and it's nice to have a teacher who doesn't treat you like an idiot just because you're 10 years old. Won't let you get away with anything though...
A coworker: Definitely an oddball, but I swear she knows freakin' everything. Hardly ever has to look anything up, it's a bit scary honestly. Usually good for a joke though, and anybody who brings in fresh-baked éclairs should probably be encouraged to stick around. Utterly useless before she's had her coffee, however...
A roommate: Well, there are books and dustbunnies everywhere, which is a little annoying. The trash always gets taken out eventually, and the dishes get put away, but the laundry, sheesh, sometimes that sits around for a week. Good about respecting boundaries though, and splitting take-out bills and sharing stuff. Erm, but don't even try to use her Harry Potter mug...
A friend: Everybody needs one friend they know they can call at 3 AM if they really have to, and she's it. Partly because she's an insomniac, but also because she always answers if it's a friend calling. Never forgets a birthday, which can get a little embarrassing when I forget...
A Knitter: No idea how her brain works, but it coughs up some pretty interesting tricks! Maybe she's not the best designer in the world, but considering she has no real training she comes up with some awfully innovative stuff. Now if she could just write it down so someone else could follow the instructions...
A Burrower: Punctuation Police and Grammar Nazi, that's for sure. Mostly rubbish on plot, but the dragons are all right. Not so good on actually-finishing-the-damn-book, either. Still and all, usually manages to contribute something...
So, if you fall into any of the above categories... how'd I do? ;-)
I adore this post :)
And since I consider myself falling into a couple of those categories, I'd say you did pretty good. Though you forgot to add incredibly funny, clever, caring and capable of sniffing books miles away (I'd still be wandering the Labyrinth of Congress if it hadn't been for you...)
Fantastic post, Leanne. I'm not sure which of those categories I fall into, but I do think you are a smart, sassy and fun. You are a "Know It", but not a "Know It All" which means you are not insufferabel as Hermione tends to be (is the opposite of insufferable, sufferable?).
And did I mention talented, and passionate, and kind?
Hey. I'm a Burrower, and I refer to you as the superstar beta reader--you not only read everything ALL of us produce, but give both helpful PLOT and very detailed line edit stuff.
I will support the Hermione bit, though I actually enjoy that part (if you know it, I don't have to) unless I am traveling with two of you... that definitely needed vodka.
(yes... sufferable know-it-all seems to do it *snort*)
But yes... more positives than you mentioned... generous, fun, zany...
You are still more capable than 3/4 of your coworkers even pre-caffeine. Don't sell yourself short.
Mari - I forgot about the book-sniffing... man, I really did do that, didn't I? :-P
Natasha - Okay, if you say so... you're probably just saying that because I like your kids, though.
Tami - you couldn't POSSIBLY be referring to your thankless day as referee between me and Joris, could you? :-P Sufferable know-it-all, eh? Can we trademark that?
Erika - pssst... I AM short. :-P
I would rather you not call yourself short. What does that make me, a midgit?
And, it has nothing to do with you liking or not liking my kids. If anything the opposite- I like that my older one is a little bit like you when it comes to one particular thing.
"Sufferable-Know-It-All"- I like that too. Maybe we should edit that into the team bio.
I am also a book-sniffer, especially in libraries.
Don't sell yourself short, no pun intended, you are awesome! I wouldn't have my fellow Burrower any other way!
Natasha - Erika's about 3 inches taller than I am. ;-) If I can figure out a good place to add it, "Sufferable Know-It-All" will go right in.
Chary - Believe it or not, Mari is referring to the time we got lost in the bowels of the Library of Congress and I got us out by smelling which way the books were. :-P No hiding! I know Leslie sniffs books too...
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